Our services

From strategic planning to monthly retainers, our team is dedicated to crafting impactful video content that drives engagement and delivers results.

Monthly Video Retainers

What is a Monthly Video Retainer Service?

Are you interested in creating consistent, creative video content for social media? This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about how we can transform your brand's social media presence with compelling video content.

Our Monthly Video Retainer service is a tailored solution designed to provide your brand with a consistent stream of high-quality video content. Instead of creating videos on an ad-hoc basis, we work with you on an ongoing basis to produce a steady flow of content that keeps your audience engaged and your brand at the forefront of their minds.

How Our Service Works

Let's dive into the different stages of our Monthly Video Retainer service to give you a clear understanding of how it works.

1. Discovery and Strategy

We begin with a deep dive into your brand, audience, and goals. This helps us understand the type of video content that will resonate best with your target market.

Two men standing in a conference room

2. Content Planning

Based on our discovery, we create a comprehensive content calendar. This ensures you know exactly what videos to expect each month and how they align with your overall marketing strategy.

3. Video Production

Our expert team handles every aspect of video production, including:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Storyboarding
  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Animation (if required)
Two VideoPunk staff filming social media content at a Farmers Insurance office.

4. Review and Revisions

We believe in collaborative creation. You'll have the opportunity to review and provide feedback at key stages of the production process.

5. Monthly Delivery and Scheduling

Once approved, we deliver your fresh, custom-made videos ready for posting. We also handle the scheduling of these videos across your social media platforms, ensuring optimal posting times for maximum engagement.

6. Performance Analysis

We don't just create and forget. Our team conducts regular performance analyses, measuring metrics such as views, engagement rates, click-throughs, and conversions. This data informs our ongoing strategy, allowing us to continuously refine and improve our approach.

What to Expect When You Sign Up

1. Onboarding and Strategy Development

We'll schedule a complementary Video Strategy Session ($2,500 value) to understand your brand's essence, long-term objectives, and overall vision.

Man standing next to a collection of sticky notes

This crucial first step allows us to explore the nuances of your business, understand your target audience, and align our strategies with your specific goals.

During the workshop, we'll discuss your brand's unique selling points, current marketing challenges, and future growth aspirations. This comprehensive exploration ensures our video content strategy is tailored precisely to your needs, laying the groundwork for a successful partnership.

2. Content Creation Begins

We hit the ground running, creating your first batch of videos.

3. Ongoing Collaboration

Regular check-ins, strategy sessions, and performance reviews to ensure we're always aligned with your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of videos do you create?

We create a wide range of video content, including product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, customer testimonials, educational content, and more. The specific types will depend on your brand and target audience.

How involved do I need to be in the video creation process?

While we handle all aspects of video production, we value your input. You'll have opportunities to provide feedback and direction, but the time commitment is minimal - typically just a few hours per month for reviews and strategy sessions.

Do you handle social media scheduling for the videos?

Yes, we can handle the scheduling of your videos across your social media platforms, ensuring optimal posting times for maximum engagement.

How do you measure success of the videos you produce?

We measure success by looking at metrics such as views, engagement rates, click-throughs, and conversions, depending on your goals. We can also provide performance tracking to assess the video's impact.